
Cla 2a mono
Cla 2a mono

cla 2a mono

Originally conceived as a brickwall limiter for the PA speakers of the day, this chunky, vintage compressor found its way into the hands of modern producers such as Dave Fridmann, who used it to create some of the grittiest and extreme drum sounds ever recorded. Take the Shure Level-Loc from the swinging '60s. Some of the greatest sounds are discovered by pure accident or by using a piece of music gear in a totally different way than intended by the manufacturer.

cla 2a mono

Not for those looking for a subtle compressor Read our full SSL Fusion HF Compressor review What's more, you even get some top-notch presets from world-renowned producers and engineers Adrian Hall, Caesar Edmunds and Sean Divine, meaning you can steal compressor tricks from the masters.

cla 2a mono

This simple-to-use compressor is versatile enough for myriad mixing situations, being just as effective on aggressive guitar tracks to tame the harsh bite that can make them sound brittle, warming up a vocal, or even bringing a little of that SSL magic to master buses. Although this may be a digital recreation of a physical unit, the Fusion HF Compressor still offers producers and recording enthusiasts the tape-like roll-off and smooth attack they've come to expect from Solid State Logic. Luckily, SSL offers the compressor section of this cherished unit in software form at a fraction of the price. However, there is a catch - it's eye-wateringly expensive. Used to warm up digital mixes, this remarkable piece of studio hardware has been heard on countless records. Producers from all walks of life love SSL's much-celebrated Fusion outboard processor. Some producers may not want the compressor to colour the sound this much

Cla 2a mono