For the second one I’ve decided to remove the studs on the backpack as well as the ugly undershirt. For the first version I removed the backpack entirely and added a leather jacket instead. I’ve also made a couple of simple mesh edits, a sleeveless version of the fishnet top, an edit of the ripped jeans with a better belt and two new versions of the dress with the backpack.

Most of the items in this set are conversions because I thought some of the stuff in the new kit would be nice to have for little Sims too, such as the sneakers with the doodles on it, the beanie or the printed hoodies. I won’t lie, I really like the latest CAS set that dropped for Sims 4 and I’ve decided to add a few more items to it! I apologize for the terrible previews, I’m currently very busy but I wanted to post something today regardless.